
The Fair Scoop

Jessie is a german shepherd that lives in Madison County, and her boy is a regular reporter who reports on the simple things of life for the Madisonville Meteor: his name is Russell, and he is ten years old .
In-page image(s)

Museum musings: Local Females First

March is Women’s History Month, and I apologize. I’m late, but this is important to me. When I was in school, history books probably had 10- or 20-men’s names for every one woman’s name. In my opinion and for way too long, women were not considered to be capable of important jobs or recognition. However, it seems to me that we have almost always performed the most important work possible, that of raising the next generations! We’ve done that and much more!


FROM THE PRECINCT 1 DESK: I appreciate all the good input from those who were able to make the road meetings. As a reminder, anyone who can’t make them is more than welcome to call and talk with me or leave a voicemail with input at 936-241-6241.