Update from the State Capitol

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Update from the State Capitol

Wed, 04/07/2021 - 12:14
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“Behold the Lamb of God, which takes away the sin of the world.” John 1:29. Happy Resurrection Day from my family to yours! We hope everyone had a blessed Easter week and is enjoying the gorgeous weather we’ve been experiencing across East Texas.

As you may know, every ten years, through a process called Redistricting, the Texas Legislature redraws political boundaries for members of the Texas House, Texas Senate, United States Congress, and State Board of Education using data from the most recent United States Census. This week the Texas House Committee on Redistricting will conduct a public hearing focused solely on East Texas. The meeting will be held on Thursday, April 8 at 10:00 am, or upon completion of legislative business on the House Floor, in the Capitol Extension Auditorium (E1.004). I encourage anyone who has an interest in this critically important discussion for our region to either attend in person or follow the proceedings online. Additionally, the committee has a process to testify virtually or submit written comments. If you have questions, please follow this link or contact my office:


With that, here’s an update from your State Capitol in Austin…

Capitol Update

The Texas House was hard at work this week, passing six bills aimed at reforming and strengthening our electric grid for future severe weather events. These bills collectively represent essential fixes and key consumer protections to ensure Texans aren’t devastated by another breakdown in the system.

In addition, I voted in support of House Bill 7, which passed out of the Texas House and provides a smart solution to protect the Unemployment Trust Fund Account while giving businesses time to recover from the unprecedented rates of unemployment. This bill, when signed into law, will help Texas’ economy continue to grow without crippling our small businesses. Responsible regulation for business benefits everyone, and it is my hope that these key pieces of legislation will aid in the flourishing of our local businesses after what was a very difficult year.

Finally, my office has received numerous calls and letters from folks in the district who are rightfully concerned about the integrity of our elections. This vital process is the foundation of our country, and it relies on the security of the ballot box. I am a proud co-author of House Bill 574, which raises the criminal penalty for those who knowingly count fraudulent votes from a misdemeanor to a felony. It is my aim to support legislation that not only regains citizens’ confidence in the validity of their vote but also supports fairness in our elections.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact my office if we can help you in any way. My district office may be reached at (936) 634-2762. Additionally, I welcome you to follow along on my Official Facebook Page, where I will be posting regular updates on what’s happening in your State Capitol and sharing information that could be useful to you and your family: https://www.facebook.com/ RepTrentAshby/